Monday, November 5, 2012

November Wishes

Our red sunflowers are hanging on to summer a little longer. November 2012.

I love November. A quiet little breathing space between Halloween and Thanksgiving, to just enjoy the autumn before descending into the stress and chaos of the holidays. Here in Texas, the days are now noticeably shorter and cooler, and leaves on the trees are starting to turn colors. A sense of anticipation of winter sets in.

In Texas, it's hard to know what to expect from winter - last year, it barely got cold at all, while two years ago we had more snow than I've ever seen! What will it be, this year? Only time will tell.

House Finch in a Snowy Tree. From February 2010, looking out our back window.
Personally, I'm asking Santa for snow.


  1. It could be a bit crisper out now - I love jackets and coats and have a selection, but alas they hang in the closet gathering dust.
    Snow in December - just that lacy type on the tree limbs - nothing hindering traffic. That would work.


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